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The Nature Delivery Project is all about creating a mobile immersive space where people can enjoy natural surroundings if they can’t actually get out to a non-urban location.  For example, people with mobility challenges may be able to take public transit, but it doesn’t stop in the middle of a forest.



Photo of a 24 foot cargo trailer being towed by a pickup truck.

The Rig

Photo of a pickup truck towing a cargo trailer. The trailer is decorated with a stylized forest graphic featuring multiple evergreen trees.A large (24 x 8.5 foot) cargo trailer towed by a vehicle TBD. The trailer will be customized with cool decor on the outside (look right for a sample concept) and inside with a fully immersive audio-visual space. The trailer will have at least one fully-accessible door with a fold-out ramp.

Image of a theater-like room with projections of a forest scene on 3 sides. There are comfortable chairs facing the front wall.

The Space

A high-tech immersive environment with high-resolution projections on three sides and top-end surround sound via the Dolby Atmos delivery system. Guests will sit in comfy chairs to enjoy the spectacle.

Once the original sound/projection rig is set up, efforts will be made to expand presentations into “4-D” by adding wind and scent elements to further immerse the audience in the experience.


The original intended audience was seniors and people with disabilities, since they have mobility and other challenges which make it hard for them to get to quiet & peaceful places.  Thanks to some good ideas already received, we’re now looking at those in the inner city, low-income neighborhoods, and other groups which could benefit from this effort.

Other Uses

Since this is designed to be a controlled space, it can be used for a wide variety of programming such as nature education, neighborhood concerts, and much more.  Someone even suggested making this rig a mobile wedding chapel–want to get married under the ocean? We could do that!


This program will be created as a non-profit organization seeking 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.  We feel this has the best chance for sustainability and growth, and is in line with the mission being one of community service.


We will be doing a GoFundMe to help raise money for initial startup costs, including:

  • Filing for incorporation and non-profit status
  • Website design
  • Promotional media creation

Once the paperwork is done, we will begin soliciting donations to allow us to purchase the equipment & services to make The Rig a reality.  This may include another GoFundMe campaign, that has yet to be decided.

Services for this program will usually be provided for a fee. This will help offset maintenance and other ongoing costs.

Other funding sources could include:

  • Sale of logo merchandise
  • Fund-raising events
  • Private events (weddings, etc.)
  • Creation of meditative music videos for posting on YouTube
  • Your creative ideas (see below)

How You Can Help

There are many ways folks can help right now.  In some kind of order, they are…

  1. Copywriting – This project needs a mission statement, description, and other verbiage to help people understand what the project is about.
  2. Grant Research & Writing – Funding for this project will come from outside sources.  We need to apply for grants and other funding.
  3. Media Production – Videos, photos and other documentation about the project, including status updates during fund-raising and construction updates once equipment has been secured.  Also production of newsletter, blog & social media content.
  4. Construction – Setting up all the gear in the trailer and making sure it works as it should.  This also includes aesthetic design & decoration of the outside of The Rig.
  5. Content Production – One goal is to create immersive content in-house so it is fully suited to our needs.  We’ll begin with whatever we can find readily available, but making our own stuff is a high priority.
  6. Administration – Create corporate By-Laws and other business documents.
  7. Oversight – We need members for a Board of Directors to help keep things on track.
  8. Promotion – Getting the word out so more people can help/donate.
  9. Build Audience – Research and contact potential audiences for this project.  It doesn’t do any good if nobody uses it!
  10. Donations – Any useful thing is welcome.  Money, services, expertise, equipment…we are grateful for it all.

This list is not complete!  There are undoubtedly other things that need doing.  If you think of a way to help that’s not listed, please reach out.

To offer ideas, assistance, or anything else useful, simply use the form below and let’s begin a discussion.  Thanks for reading!

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